madermouse's Diaryland Diary



This will probably be short today, as I have an MRI scheduled in an hour, but I wanted to check in.

Remember me telling you about Gretchen and her 60 days of �Perfect-on-Program� challenge? Well, she�s in her 75th day right now, and still doing great. Evidently, the challenge was 100 days long in which time she would �do her darnedest� and see what happened. So, Gretchen writes me an e-mail in which she invites me to join her challenge starting July 10th. It�s a 50-day challenge in which you set your own rules according to what you want to accomplish in that amount of time, and then you �give it your all� for 50 days.

Initially, when she wrote me last week and suggested that I join her, I was opposed to the idea. The last two times I�ve tried to set a goal like, �I will lose X amount of pounds in X amount of days� it has backfired on me....both physically and emotionally. But then she explained to me that she didn�t set a �pounds lost� goal, which I find intriguing and very smart. Its stupid to put pressure on yourself to lose a certain amount of weight in a certain time. And although its worked for me in the past (see October Journal 2001), I would never do that again to myself because my body is different now. I�ve already lost 110 pounds and I cannot predict another plateau or gain in muscle which will effect the scale.

She�s planted a little seed in the back of this mouse�s mind. I mean, what I need right now is a good challenge, but not one that will crush me emotionally if my body doesn�t cooperate. However - it makes complete sense that I can set a 50 day goal of just �doing my darnedest� (which for me would mean staying within an average of 1500 calories a day, and exercising 5 days a week, & drinking my water) sounds very reasonable and doable.

Anyway, its something I�m seriously thinking about. This would include posting my daily calorie totals (including what I actually ate - gasp!) my exercise totals, and my water intake each day on her forum for all the world to see. Accountability folks! ;) Hey - I need it just like the next guy. My journal works for holding myself accountable, but only so much. Some nights I have to write down a hot-fudge sundae or a . Ya, its painful, but I get to turn the page and start over the next day and nobody knows but me.! I think having my diet publicized as an example might make me a little more careful!

I have to go get my MRI scan now.... woo hoo! I�ve heard that overweight people may not fit into the older-style MRI machines. I hope I don�t go up there and they have to say, �Sorry miss, you�re too fat!�. That will just suck.

2:32 p.m. - 6/18/02


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