madermouse's Diaryland Diary



Saturday was a 1325 calorie an hour long step aerobics class and a 3-mile walk. By then end of the day I was feeling �off� and cold and tired and pretty much ready for sleep. But I�ll be damned if I was going to bed at 8:30pm on a Saturday night!

So we (hubby & I) drove to a friend�s house for a visit. I�m sitting there, having lovely conversation and laughing when I started feeling a little cold. I didn�t think much of it, but asked for a blanket just to be comfortable. My friend threw a blanket on me and we went on talking. I got chicken skin and a sudden chill from head to toe - it was weird. Then I kept getting colder and colder - despite the blanket. It felt like it wasn�t even on me. I started shivering a bit. She threw a second blanket on me....but I was still freezing. I started shaking and shivering with chills and my teeth began chattering. (Yes, all this was quite embarrassing in front of other people) The next thing I know, I�m white as a ghost, lips pale, and shivering like a Mexican jumping bean all over the couch!

To make a long story short, I ended up taking a 30-min, scalding hot shower at my friend�s house to try and warm up. This worked long enough for me to drive home (with the heat on full blast, windows rolled up) and get changed into warmer clothes. I didn�t feel normal until about 4:00am.

This experience freaked me out, because the only other time I�ve had violent chills like that was when I got my staph infection. It scared me. I kept imagining waking up the next morning with my leg ballooned up the way it had when I�d gotten staph.

Anyway, the worst part of this story is, that it happened again on Sunday night, and then again last night!? I went to bed just fine, but after lying there for 15 minutes I started getting the chills again. I immediately put on my sweats, socks, a sweatshirt over my pajamas, turned on the space heater, and put the heating pad under my feet inside the bed. Then I waited... Again, I didn�t feel normal until the wee hours of the morning.

Could this be attributed to my calories? I had a 1325 cal day, a 1800 cal day, and a 1371 cal day yesterday. (You notice I�ve never even made it to 1200 yet....) I�ve never had this happen before. I don�t have a fever and otherwise feel fine during the day. I am having back troubles and possibly have a herniated disc...could this have something to do with it? (i.e. pinched nerve or something?) I know its not my thyroid - I had it checked and it was �within normal limits�. I know you aren�t doctors and I don�t expect a diagnosis, just thought I�d ask if any of you had experienced something similar when dieting?

Anyway...I�m having trouble staying on track today. Its 3pm and I�ve eaten 1,000 calories so far. Unless I starve myself for dinner, there�s not a chance I�m making it to 1200. But I am shooting for 1500. Dinner is at home cooking in the crock pot, so I know what I�m having. I�m irritated at my lack of control.. Sometimes I think there is something *inherently* wrong with me that I can�t control myself better. Its fucking annoying.

but, I promised I wouldn�t get all moody and angry over this I�m going to stop it right now. I�m just going to get up tomorrow and do better....its all I can do.

So.... I�m going to ask another favor of all my readers. I need some INSPIRATION people and I�m counting on you guys to give it to me! Do you have a site that you go back to again and again to get inspired? Unless its Robyn�s - because I go there myself all the damn time - Please e-mail me with the link so I can go and get inspired too. I really need to read some good stories about people succeeding.... I mean, I REALLY need you guys to help me on this. I spent the whole day looking around and couldn�t find much of nothing. Give me your best people, okay?

thanks in advance...:)

2:30 p.m. - 6/11/02


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