madermouse's Diaryland Diary



I haven�t updated for the past two days - because I�ve been so busy responding to e-mails about my last post! WoW - you guys are supportive. The sheer volume of kind, encouraging words from my readers always astonishes me. Thanks. :)

And, on the note of my hubby and his impeding doom....(I say that with a grain of humor) The general consensus is this: He has to do it for himself, and I can only be supportive and loving. I also - this goes without saying really - have the choice of whether or not I want to stick around and watch. At this point, my love for Thomas is boundless and the thought of being without him pretty much makes me sick. So I�m going to stick with him - me, forever the loyal Virgo - and see what happens.

The good news? The good news is that Thomas has instructed me to buy only skim milk, fat-free snacks, and extra lean meats when I go to the store. This, from a man who drank a 4-shot espresso made with half & half every morning for the past 4 means something. I didn�t think the word �skim� was even in his vocabulary!! He also asked me set out my easiest walk aerobic videos out on the table yesterday. We got our home weightlifting equipment set up in the dark, scary but sort of clean basement last week too - and I think he�s starting to workout during the day, although I�m not going to ask...I don�t want to jinx him. !

On the diet front.....I have worked my ARSE off this week so far. I�m on a roll - and its NOT a danish~!~ The scale doesn�t seem to be co-operating though, something that I�m trying to deal with. But I�ve noticed some of my clothes feeling looser on me than normal. It is possible, in the wake of my unbelievable exercise regime, that I�m actually putting on some muscle & losing fat? I know the scale has been my main source of affirmation since I started this journey. But I�m telling you - I�ve been exercising like a dog and eating just right, and the scale isn�t dropping very quickly! So what other choice do I have but to believe I�m still getting smaller despite the scale.? To believe anything else would lead to discouragement, and I refuse to get discouraged right now.

My official weigh in day for my little challenge was Feb. 16th. However, I realized this date falls on a Saturday - a day that I don�t have access to a computer for an update. Monday, the 18th is a holiday, and I won�t be working so Feb 19th it is! It will give me 3 extra days to reach my goal of 257lbs...and I�m basically fine with that. I�m finally starting to understand how this journey needs to be focused more on health instead of weight. I�ll be very lucky if I lose 40-45 pounds this year at the rate this is going.

Could this entry *be* any more boring??


I wish I had something positively inspiring, empowering or crucial to say. But its just little ol me - exercise fiend and health-food junkie doing her daily thing. I can�t say much more than that.

1:53 p.m. - 2/8/02


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