madermouse's Diaryland Diary



For those of you crafty little readers on my notify list, you were privy to the reasons for my absence this week. For those of you who aren�t on my notify didn�t know jack. You were left to wander in a lonely, desolate journal land wondering where the hell I was. So, the moral of the story is, if you want to know secret, privileged information about me - join my notify list! Its easy. Simply click the button below and you�ll find yourself in the world of the informed mouse lovers. :)

In a nutshell, because I�m running out of time here tonight, I�ll give you a rundown of how the rest of my week went. Okay?

Saturday - Exercised HARD and did good on my eating. Note to self: Egyptian food is really fucking good but take fork next time. So what if the people around you stare because you are doing it the wrong way (traditional way consists of ripping of a piece of Injera bread, and using it to scoop up bite-sized amounts of food instead of a fork.)

Sunday - Good exercise and perfect eating.

Monday - Scale only budged one single stinking pound. Pissed off. Ate whole small pizza after work, followed by hot fudge sundae and bowl of ice cream in middle of the night. Said FUCK EXERCISE today!

Tuesday - Invigorating 15min per mile/2 � mile walk in a.m. Did good on eating until dinner where taco consumption was bordering on obscene.

Wednesday - Walked 2 miles then rode a bike for the first time since 8th grade!! Very wobbly and very afraid to turn even wide corners. Thrilled! :) Stepped on the scale to find it had FINALLY dropped a few pounds. Decided scale thing was a fluke. Did good on calories & eating though just in case.

Thursday - Walked to work (2 miles) and rode bike for 1 mile. Throbbing pain where bike seat hits pubic bone was excruciating. Now I see why men can become sterile from bike-riding. Have done very good on eating so far today. Dinner planned is within calorie budget. Guess what - scale still says lower number!!! (266.6) !! And no - I�m choosing not to believe that 666 is a bad omen or something.

So, that�s it. The reason I haven�t written is that I�ve been unable to access my site through my server. I don�t know why.

Tonight I pack and do laundry and clean and pack and pack and pack and wrap presents and pack. Tomorrow I work a half day (we are having a potluck too, so that will divert the actual working part for at least an hour or so) then I run last minute errands. Saturday morning I�m up at 3:00am, at the airport by 4:00am, and on a 6:00am flight. I�ll see my parents around 1:30pm in the afternoon...and then the fun begins.

Don�t worry though, I�ll update while I�m at my mom�s house. I still want to show you all the painting I was commissioned to paint. Hopefully I�ll have it on disk by tomorrow & I can post it while I�m sitting in Wyoming....wanting something to do! :)

Happy Holidays to everyone!

1:11 p.m. - 12/20/01


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