madermouse's Diaryland Diary



I haven�t stepped on the scale for 3 days. - No, I�m not kidding. !

I�ve found a new kind of self-control with regards to the scale. I�m not sure when it happened. I think it was when I made the decision to start another challenge. I remembered the last time when I was working so hard and the scale wasn�t moving and I was soooo distraught! I just decided I wasn�t going to do that to myself this time. (Could it really be......maturity?)

The scale. It sits there now, so lonely, longing for the weight of me pressed onto it....longing for the balls of my feet to shift into position. It awaits the tension of holding my breath while the readout decides my fate. But I don�t care. I�m not going there until at least Monday or so. I just don�t want to be discouraged this time.

My challenge is going fairly well. I�ve exercised vigorously this week with the intent of continuing my efforts over the weekend...i.e. step aerobics class, cleaning out the basement with a GOOD friend, and bowling. I did overeat a bit yesterday, falling prey to a catered lunch meeting where there were no other choices but mayo-laden almond chicken salad on a croissant. I guess I could�ve discarded the croissant part, huh? The worst part though was last night, when I thought I grabbed the light cheese at the store and didn�t realize until I had generously broiled it into my tortilla last night. I took a bite and my tastebuds instantaneously knew the difference. Rich, creamy, greasy broiled sharp cheddar cheese....the real thing tasted so good. So I didn�t stop at one serving, but ate two broiled tortillas with cheese, which put me over the top of my calories for the day.

Not much to say today, so I�ll part with you all. A few reminders though. I don�t have access to my site over the weekend - yet. And Monday 1/21 through Wednesday 1/23 my host is upgrading their system. So I will NOT be able to update my site until late Wednesday (if at all). If I do send out an update, only those on my notify list will be able to read it. So if you are waiting to join my notify list, what are you waiting for?

So...goodbye for 5 days and I�ll catch up where we left off.

1:15 p.m. - 1/18/02


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