madermouse's Diaryland Diary



Goddess Bless the barista at my local coffee joint this morning who said, �You look like you�ve lost a little weight. Have you lost some weight?� To which I modestly replied, �I�ve lost 102 pounds.� She said, �That�s amazing! Ya, I walked up from behind & thought, she�s really lost some weight!� I smiled, grinned from ear to ear like a fool, and practically skipped out the door to my car.

What makes this comment so special is a couple of things. First, I don�t know her hardly at all - she�s not even an acquaintance, much less a friend. She started working there in May (I think) of last year so she�s noticed I�ve lost weight since then. She�s not obligated to make me feel good - she just genuinely noticed my behind had gotten smaller made a comment! :)

Secondly, it meant a lot to me because the compliments have slowed in my circle of friends & co-workers... I mean, it becomes redundant to keep saying �You�ve lost weight Heather� when they see me every few weeks. You know? Besides, at a certain point, a person is no longer �different� than before...they are simply who they are....a bit the need to continually acknowledge their differences becomes extinct. Although, in my case, I�m sure when I lose another 50 or 100 pounds people will again make those comments to me.

But what then?

I remember a reader of Fred�s journal saying something once about this. She said that its difficult to maintain because long after the praise and awe of your friends and family wears off, you still have to keep plugging away at your lifestyle. Nobody comes up to you 2 years down the road and says, �Hey - you look great! Have you lost some weight?� It just doesn�t happen. That person�s friends and family simply grows to accept their new lifestyle and it becomes part of who they are. That constant affirmation is gone, that level of support diminishes and a person is left with their own will and strength to continue along their path. I guess the point is to realize that hopefully a person is able to be more fulfilled and happier and healthier because of their weight loss....regardless of who takes note or who comments on it. And that�s the most important part.

With all that said, a little compliment went a long way today...I feel great. And I�ve done really well for 3 solid days. Only 3 days you say? Yes - trust me - I�ve had three really good days and I feel like I�m on a roll. (NO - NOT A DANISH OR CROISSANT ROLL EITHER!!) The scale dropped a teeny teeny bit for the first time since November I�m very happy and thankful that I can start moving in the right direction.

I ventured to Goodwill last night and found another $1.99 step aerobic tape. Its called �Step, Crunch & Sweat�.....wooo fucking hooo. You know, on the damn box it says �This workout is designed for all fitness levels, body types, and sizes...blah blah blah.� Needless to say the last 10 minutes is all jumping moves. Jump on the step with both feet. Do a jumping jack. Jump off the step. Jump over the step. Jump and kick, jump and raise your knee...Jump jump jump.... Don�t fitness experts know that �all sizes/body types/fitness levels� cannot jump all over the place? Jumping hurts. The makers of that step take can all jump up my ass!

Onto other topics...

Can I just say that the world is so much colder when you don�t have as much fat? Omigosh. I�ve had to start wearing sweatpants, socks, and a sweatshirt to bed at night. What�s bad is that I have a flannel sheet, a down comforter, and my mom�s quilt covering me too! I just can�t seem to get warm at night, and its Portland, Oregon folks - I don�t think it got below 55 degrees at the time in question.

I, determined to break the chain, went to bed last night in a light cotton nightie. I couldn�t of been in bed more than 30 minutes (under the covers, mind you) and I was shivering and shaking like a Chihuahua on a polar cap. After fighting with myself about either a. sticking it out or b. getting my very cold arse out of bed and putting on my sweats, I tossed off the covers and ran to don my sweat suit apparel and my socks before bouncing back in bed. Every night is like this now.... I think, what�s it going to be like when I weigh 175?

No wonder old, frail, skinny people move to Florida.

1:05 p.m. - 11/16/01


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