madermouse's Diaryland Diary


June 11, 2001

I humbly report a loss this week, although how I managed this remains a mystery. I was re-reading over my last two weeks of journal entries, and realized this: they all sound unbelievably positive! The reality is, that I have difficult moments, just like the average joe. (unless the average joe�s name is actually Fred, who apparently never has a weak moment....) Okay, okay, so I worship the weight-loss ground Fred walks on, but still - it boggles my mind that he is an un-wavering picture of perfection. He�s an island, where fear, anxiety or moments of weakness simply will not touch him. He�s an idol, on a pedestal, on a distant hill where the clouds part and sunrays beam down upon him while a chorus of angels belt out some goose-pimply hymn....

I�ve been known to slightly exaggerate from time to time.

Anyway, this last week was a bit difficult for me. I went over my calories every single day, I ate out in restaurants on 4 occasions, and my level of energy was down - so I only put in 16 � miles last week. I hate admitting this here, but I want people to know that it can be challenging to make good choices sometimes. I will go further, even to detail every food in the last week that made me go over my calories for each day;

*1 cranberry scone the size of Texas *potato chips & dip *Dairy Queen ice cream cone

*bowl of froot loops *10 peanuts *1 donut,apple fritter *Restaurant chicken swiss nachos

*4 slices of toast w/butter *3 � slices pizza *2 pieces of chocolate

I honestly believe that none of these foods are intrinsically �bad�. But the fact that I ate them over and above my usual healthy fare caused my calorie load for this past week to increase. Is it also a coincidence that my energy level suffered too? In the past, after eating a whole pizza, half a bag of chips & dip, and a pint of Ben & Jerry�s, I couldn�t understand why I couldn�t move off the couch for five hours? Hmmm...figure it out.

So, after coming home from weighing in at the doctor�s office today, with a pouty mouth, my husband knew I wasn�t overjoyed. �How bad is it?� he asked. �Well, I somehow managed to lose 1 lb�, I replied.

He says, �Then it made you pay attention to something, didn�t it? Be thankful you didn�t gain, and take notice. You�ll do better this week.�

Alas, he�s right....(darn! just when I thought the woman always was) So that�s my motto this week. Each day is filled with new opportunities to pay attention and take notice of my eating. Every meal is a renewed chance to make better decisions. So far, so good...

12:19 p.m. - June 11, 2001


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