madermouse's Diaryland Diary


cancer schmancer

(Kaity hope you didn't mind the e-mail copy...too sick & lazy today but wanted to update!) :)

I've missed all week of work - I have bronchitis. Ironically, it was caused by a binge. How? Stomach acid from my GERD got up into my throat and I aspirated it. Then it caused an infection in my lungs and sinuses. When I went to the doc, she told me that she saw something very abnormal in my throat that she was concerned about. I think her exact words were, "I'm not saying it's cancer, but I'm not saying it isn't either. We need to look at it when you're feeling better." And then she went on to say that even when I'm feeling okay (i.e. not getting heartburn or the feeling of acid in my throat - it is still getting in my throat and damaging my esophegus...and probably my teeth) I can see the wierd lumps she's talking about. I'm trying not to worry about it unless it needs to be worried about. But you know how I am..

Soo.... i tell you all this to say that I asked the Universe for help, and I got help. This is the bottom line: If I continue to eat things that exacerbate my GERD (which is fatty, spicy foods, coffee, tomato-y, rich foods) then I am putting myself at risk for throat cancer. If I continue to eat in the middle of the night - (anything at all), I am at risk for throat cancer. If I continue to be obese, it exacerbates my GERD, which puts me at risk for throat cancer.

Granted, this wasn't really the kind of help I was asking for - but it's going to work. I've already been perfect for 7 days in a row, and I haven't done that for months and months. Anyway... I guess this was a blessing in disguise. It was that "wake-up" call that I needed to get my arse in gear. Of course, I'm still sick so exercising isn't happening yet, but I will. I feel confident I will. Meekly, humbly confident.

5:29 p.m. - February 06, 2004


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