madermouse's Diaryland Diary



September 30, 2003

I�ve been sick�coughing and wheezing and hacking like a 100 year old man after a fat cigar. I hate being sick. I�ve been sweating in weird places like behind my knees and the middle of my back, and all from the great exertion of thinking about walking across the room. My head has been a painful balloon, floated by a dizzying mixture of cold medicine and cough syrup. Somehow I don�t think that ephedrine (an upper) and Chlorpheniramine maleate (a downer) were ever meant to be mixed�but that�s how all the cold medicine�s are. Everything has been fuzzy. I holed up in my apartment for 4 days, stumbling from bed to couch and couch to bed, endlessly flicking through daytime t.v., occasionally moaning for effect.

Being sick is an arm�s reach from reality�a blur of bizarre moments glued together by snot and nose blowing and bathroom trips. I remember it in snippets, with all the times discombobulated. There was a 3:00am shower at some point. It was my final attempt at breathing through my nose again. At one moment, I recall standing in the kitchen for what seemed like an eternity � hungry but too tired to even heat up a can of soup. There were several insomniac hours spent watching infomercials. I came * this close * to ordering the Body Flex system�

As I staggered to the bus stop for work, I felt like a vampire coming off a bad acid trip. The light was too bright (hisssss�) and the people on the bus were overly loud and smelly. Was it my imagination, or was the bus driver lurching forward just to boil the acid in my guts? Grrrr�

In my little 4-day cocoon, I had become desensitized to the real world. Or maybe it was just because I still felt like ass and I had to face the first day of school and a tedious day of work. Whatever the reason, yesterday was a damn culture shock and I�m still recuperating.

2:31 p.m. - September 30, 2003


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