madermouse's Diaryland Diary


birthday aftermath

August 28, 2003

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! It made me feel so happy and special. Yesterday was amazing! I took the day off of work early and roamed around downtown�eventually finding my way to the Body Shop. I love that store. I treated myself to some of their new shimmery make-up (eyeshadow) and a new perfume called �Pink Peppercorn�. If you can, imagine the warm scent of amber & tonka bean (vanilla-y) married with ginger and pink peppercorn to add some spice. Anyway, my little visit set me back $32 bucks, which is why I try not to even go in there. But, it was my birthday afterall � right?

My birthday celebration was wonderful! My friends made me a gourmet dinner ala fresco - outside in the garden. It was beautiful and lush with fresh flowers and matching place settings and passionflower blossoms strewn about the tables. The sun was streaming in through the trees and the breeze was light and warm. It was one of those rare August days when it was warm and bright, but not scorching hot.

We started drinking merlot upon arrival and I�ll admit to getting a bit tipsy and a bit mouthy. I talk too much when I drink. Must be the sulfites which completely wipe out my mind to mouth filter. Everything I think just seems to find it�s way to my mouth and flow off my tongue before my brain has a chance to protest. I guess at least I could say that I wasn�t boring.

The menu began with aforementioned glasses of merlot followed by tossed green salad, roasted asparagus, apricot stuffed pork tenderloin with cranberry sauce, and melon tossed with basil & honey. There was no traditional birthday cake, but instead I was treated to homemade peach & blackberry pie. We listened to some John Mayer (my newest addiction�mmmm I love him, I can�t help it.) and I opened presents. My friend Amy made me some weighted flags because she wants me to get involved in flag spinning. If you�ve never heard of it � don�t worry, I don�t think many people have. It�s popular among people who are into poi and fire breathing and stuff. Here�s a website that explains it all, along with a RealVideo so you can check out �Dangerboy� spinning some flags. It is really very cool in real life and the video doesn�t do it justice�but you�ll get an idea of what its all about.

I was a flag girl my senior year of high school. I didn�t fit the normal mold of a flag girl, but I found out I wouldn�t have to wear a band uniform if I made the team. So I worked my ass off to get the routine perfect and I used my experience from drama to give my performance some energy. I think I did really good for a fat girl, and they couldn�t help but enlist me. (More realistically, I think that I came from a small school in Wyoming where very few people tried out and they had no choice but to accept me�but I choose to believe I kicked ass!) Anyway, my friend Amy said I�m a �natural� at flag spinning�so here I go.

Aside from the flags, I got some very cool and thoughtful gifts from everyone. My husband outdid himself though. He wrote excerpts from old love letters he�s written me over the years into a leather-bound journal and he called it a �mirror book�. The first page of the journal has a sweet picture of him & our kitty, Pete mounted on it. The second page has an explanation of the book, it reads: �Sometimes our eyes become so full of finding our way on this twisting path called life, that we can only see the truth of ourselves through another�s eyes. For those times when you�ve forgotten your �true face� this is your mirror book. All you need do is open, and read it to remind yourself. Within it�s pages you will see yourself as I see you � as you truly are. From the first time I set eyes on you, to the poetry your gentle lovingness has coaxed from my soul, poetry I never knew was there until I saw it through your eyes. Mirrors within mirrors within mirrors. But best of all are the blank pages waiting for the words that translate what my eyes shall always see; love secrets and the poetry that is you.�

If that isn�t the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, I don�t know what is. I left the evening on a high note and have felt good all day. Here�s to hoping this good feeling continues�.

4:39 p.m. - August 28, 2003


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