madermouse's Diaryland Diary


good times

August 27th, 2003

I feel so great today. I�m now wondering if I wasn�t just �spooked� about turning 30, because the actual turning seems to be sitting with me just fine! I don�t know if 30 officially turns you into an adult or not, but I�m feeling very adultish and maturish today. Dare I say I even feel a tad bit hopeful that the rest of my life isn�t going to suck ass!

Today I vow to reflect on my years of life � but none of the bad stuff. I�m going to think on all the grand life-changing moments, the happy times, the falling in love, the making friends, the times of courage and the overcoming of obstacles. Today I am going to be thankful and content and thrilled with all 278.2 pounds of me. Most importantly, I�m going to be happy today�come hell or high water.

Friends are preparing a lovely dinner in my honor and I�m bringing the cocktail shaker. So far, 30 is treating me pretty damn well. ;)

12:55 p.m. - August 27, 2003


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