madermouse's Diaryland Diary



The world is getting bigger. Has anyone else noticed?

The bathroom stall at my office, for instance. I no longer have to squeeze between the toilet and the door when I go inside. My office chair is getting bigger too. My hips used to hang over the sides when I sat down - and now they fit nicely between the arm rests. I�ve noticed there is more room when passing people on the sidewalk. They no longer walk off the curb and onto the street to get by me. The bus seats are bigger, the seat in my car is bigger, the movie theater seats are bigger. Even the hallway and elevator seems more spacious. Standing in line at the grocery store, I no longer knock magazines from racks with my butt or swipe candy off the shelves with my hips. My bed is softer, more comfortable. I no longer feel a suffocating weight on my neck & shoulders when I lay down to sleep. The world is getting bigger all around me, and it feels great I tell you!

You know what else felt great today? This morning while digging through my closet, I realized that every single piece of clothing would fit me, and generously. The only exception is that my sweet husband went out last weekend and bought me a few new shirts, and two sweaters in a size 26/28. He hung them in my closet and we both just stood there, looking at them. I can�t comfortably wear them yet...they are a little tight around the tummy area. (they fit perfectly around the neck, chest & arms, f.y.i.) But I just know I�ll be in them very soon.

It was such a good feeling, though. Knowing that I could basically grab anything from my closet and fit into it....that NOTHING in my closet was too small!? I haven�t had that experience for years and years and years. I�ve always had clothes folded and hiding away in the back, being saved for �someday�.

I feel like I�m looking a little different too. Sometimes I�ll catch myself in the mirror and my reflection surprises me. I desperately want to post some new pictures - you guys deserve to see! Plus, if you�ve read my guest book, you�ll notice that my mom wants them up too. (But mom- if I post the pictures you won�t be surprised when I see you at Christmas!! )

The main reason I haven�t posted is because I don�t have a computer at home right now - and I have to drive to a friend�s house and use their scanner. I will do this, after I�ve developed the film - which I haven�t done yet either. I can develop the film after I use up the whole roll - which I haven�t done yet either... SEE HOW COMPLICATED THIS IS!?! Plus, the other thing, is that I took those pictures at 56 lbs they seem outdated.

Anyway, the time for excuses is done. I�ve vowed to get pictures up by the end of July - that leaves 6 days for me to get my butt in gear. I will do it, I promise.

On another note, I took back the scale that gave me goofy readings, and replaced it with a different brand. It was the same price, but with a lesser warranty. I must�ve stepped on that thing 15 times at the store before deciding to buy it. Each time it had the same read-out - which was darn close to the weight yesterday at the doc�s office. Its amazing how pathetic I am when I have a scale at my disposal. I get up in the morning, I weigh. I go to the bathroom, I weigh. I exercise, I weigh. I drink water, I weigh. I weigh naked, with clothes, with shoes & socks, with wet hair. I weighed carrying my hand & ankle weights. I weighed standing on one leg.....then while standing on the other!!

You�d think I had better things to do....

12:34 p.m. - 7/25/01


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