madermouse's Diaryland Diary



Its Friday, and I trotted off to the doc�s office, weighed in, and you can see the results here. I had a momentary of irritation when I saw I had gone up another pound - but it passed quickly. I�m about 4 days from having my period, and I know I�m retaining water...blah blah blah. This will be the last posted weigh-in for 2-4 weeks, depending on how I feel. And so far, I feel pretty indifferent to the scale.

I�ve felt very proud of myself in my workouts, both yesterday and today. I�ve been holding off on step aerobics for the last month, because my back was hurting so badly. But when the scale had come to a screeching halt, I decided I had to do SOMETHING that I knew would push me physically. Yesterday, while doing the step routine, I got to the intermediate point in the tape (about 20 minutes in) and went to shut it off, and finish with a cool-down 1 mile walk outside. But instead, I thought to myself, �I�ve been stopping at this point since I got this tape....let�s just see how far I can go.� And so I did see. And I went all the way to the end of the tape and finished it (40 minutes). My face was beet red, and sweat was pouring off me. But my body felt so good, buzzing with the heat of exertion. And I kept mindful of my back the whole time, keeping my hips tilted under and spine straight. Today was a repeat performance with a different step-aerobic tape that I consider to be more advanced, both in choreography and in endurance. And I finished it too! :)

It was just a few months ago that I bought those tapes, and could only do the warm-up and about 12-15 minutes of the actual step aerobics before I felt like I was going to pass out. So, it was such an exhilarating feeling to be able to finish strong and feel like a million bucks (instead of a $2 dollar bill)....

The Race for the Cure is coming up on Sunday, the 16th. I�m scheduled to walk with some of my �co-workers� in the 5K. I say �co-workers� because the company I work for employs about 10,000 people, and I�ve never actually met them. But I decided I wasn�t going to let that stop me. Its such a supportive environment, the cancer walks, that it feels like everyone is your friend. I�m looking forward to it so much, that I would�ve gone alone if I couldn�t of been part of a group. (That sounds kinda weird to say out loud, but its true)

So, with this week under my belt I�d like to say that I feel pretty good about my eating. I had one small downfall, which was a plate of Pad Thai about 3 days ago. But even that I ordered without the chicken or egg, and asked for extra vegetables. Other than that, I�ve stuck with the good-ol standbyes.... fruits, vegetables, legumes, hearty grains and lean protien.

This is the world�s most boring entry...(but yet she keeps writing, you say....)

I want to share with you my new favorite oatmeal that I eat in the morning. Its soooo good, and full of fiber. It reminds of those evil cranberry scones I love so much. I make two days worth, and put half of it in a coffee cup and eat it for breakfast. This will make two small servings perfect for eating in the office or on the run.


1 cup old fashioned oats

1/4 cup of cran-raisins and blue-raisins

(dried, sweetened cranberries & blueberries)

1 dash of cinnamon

1 heaped tbsp of brown sugar

the zest of 1 baby lemon (or about 2 tsp zest)

1 tiny pinch of salt

Put half of this mixture in a coffee cup. Top with boiling water to 1/4 of an inch over the oatmeal. Microwave on high for 1 minute. Now for the hard part - waiting. They key to the creaminess of this oatmeal is to stir it, then let it sit. Stir it again, then let it sit. Repeat until the creaminess and thickness is achieved...and don�t be freaked out that its not total mush. That�s the point of this method...slightly chewy oats that are still creamy, and lemony and full of berry goodness.


A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious

stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was

hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The

hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give

it to him. She did so without hesitation. The traveler left,

rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough

to give him security for a lifetime.

But a few days later he came

back to return the stone to the wise woman.

"I've been thinking," he said, "I know how valuable the stone is, but

I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more


Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone."

Isn�t this the question that people are always asking? You can tell them to count calories, to exercise, to move more and eat less. But what people really want is that certain something that drives you to WANT it so bad...the thing you can�t put your finger on. Call it willpower, call it motivation, whatever. Its what I most frequently get asked, �How do you MAKE yourself do it?� The answer is always the same. I don�t know. But I do know that I can never go back. Maybe that�s the motivation, the willpower. The single desire to never be faced with the agony of 375lbs again, drives me to get up at the crack of dawn and exercise. And like the wise woman with the stone, I can only share what is tangible to give. The �other� thing, well, I can�t help you there. That�s something you�ve got to find within yourself.

12:52 p.m. - 9/7/01


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