madermouse's Diaryland Diary



I hate the scale. Read it for yourself. This makes 3 weeks, no weight loss. I can�t say I�m totally surprised, but then again, I am. Yes, I haven�t been perfect with my eating, and I haven�t been putting in a solid hour of exercise every day. But you know, you�d think that at least 30min of exercise 6 days a week would count for something!? Plus, I�ve been throwing in 1 � hour walks through the forest, and 3 � mile jaunts in there for good measure a few times a week. Part of me thought it would make up for the extra calories I�ve eaten.

Its discouraging to think I have to work at this 100% of the time, that I must always put 110% towards my workouts in order to reap the benefits. The other factor, that I just realized this morning, was that exactly 3 weeks ago I started a new birth control pill. Could that have anything to do with it? I mean, the side-effect pamphlet says �weight-gain�. But I�ve been on 15 different pills in the last 9 years, so I thought it wouldn�t effect me?

Anyway, I am honestly struggling to stay under 1700 calories each day. The last time I stayed under 1700 calories, was Aug. 16th. I thought that exercising would help counteract this - I guess exercise has kept me from actually gaining.

This brings me to another thought, one that I�ve been kicking around in that head of mine for awhile now. Its actually more of a nagging thought. It�s a thought I�ve been pushing back every time it surfaces, for about 30 pounds now. It�s the little voice in my head that keeps telling me I need to get my butt in a gym and start lifting. I didn�t do it in the beginning because I felt too big. I sat on one of the seats in my husband�s gym, while waiting for him one day. Let�s just put it this way - the seat was nowhere to be found. My butt CONSUMED the seat. I felt embarrassed to be in there, and a I did get a lot of stares. I decided I wasn�t going to a gym yet. But I promised myself that I�d get into the gym when I got considerably smaller.

Well, guess what? I am considerably smaller now. And this little plateau of mine has got me to thinking. Its obvious that I feel most comfortable surviving on about 1700 calories a day. I never feel deprived, or starving. I don�t spend my time dreaming of my next meal and what it will consist of. I feel good at this caloric level. But, since the scale isn�t moving down, this level of calories obviously isn�t few enough to cause me to lose weight. And, as we all know, muscle burns fat. Muscle burns fat while its just sitting there in your body. And, like my hero has said a thousand times, �If you want to eat more food - build more muscle.� (or something to that effect)

I�ve just been doing arm & back exercises at home, and then only 2-3 times a week. I guess its time to kick it up a notch, huh? Besides, you should see the flaps of skin I have under my arms...its enough to make me cringe! Which is another reason why I haven�t wanted to go to a gym - I don�t want anyone else looking at my arms, my armpits, or any part of my flabby self.

I guess I need to get over it, huh?

Gotta run.... have a good weekend everyone.

12:51 p.m. - 8/31/01


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