madermouse's Diaryland Diary



You know, I talked yesterday about my great friends...those that I met in Wyoming and still share today. These friends I have grown older with, and that I consider my family. But I also wanted to take a moment and talk about the friends that I�ve made through this site.

You, my readers, are some of the most supportive and wonderful people I know. I can�t tell you how many days have been so excruciatingly gray, only to be brightened by a kind word or gesture from one of you. When I posted my pictures, there was a flood of encouraging e-mails that literally swept my fears away. I have had the pleasure of meeting a reader, Nancy, several times for coffee. What a sweet, kind woman - and a good listener! I wish I had the opportunity to meet all of you, to put a face with the name. And one of my readers Sarah, sent me a birthday gift today ~~ a camera!! W*O*W!! I was so totally shocked and incredibly moved by her generosity. No more grainy, blurry pictures you guys!! Now you�ll be able to see every stretch mark, every skin flap, every sag with crystal clarity!! Woo Hoo, lucky you!! (thanks again Sarah) Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that you make it worth the effort of keeping this site up and running. You listen, you guys totally rock!!! :)

ok, enough butt-kissing for one day....

I stepped on the scale today. It read 288.....AGAIN. I�ve weighed 288 since August 16th. This is not a �plateau� or my body �adjusting�. There are good reasons why I still weigh 288 after 2 � weeks. Its called - maintenance. Period. I�m eating enough calories and doing just enough exercise to maintain my weight, and I know it. There�s no denying that I haven�t exactly been putting forth a superior amount of effort that past few weeks. I just kind of slacked off.

Now, for the good part. The good part is that I didn�t slack off to the point of binging, or re-gaining any of the weight I�d lost. Nor did I, at any time, stuff myself to the point of nausea or become ill from overeating. I still got in at least 6 days of exercise each week. And, most importantly, I maintained awareness of my actions and how they were going to effect my body. I remained conscious. For me, I think these are all worthy changes and I don�t see the last two weeks as a failure. That�s the good part.

Now, for the arrival time. What�s this mean? It means its time for me to get my butt moving and shift into second gear again. The time has arrived for me to start pushing again, to start exerting myself. Its time to get in those vegetables at every meal, and put an end to the mid-afternoon snacking. Say bye bye to a New York sized bagel w/cream cheese and a double shot mocha for breakfast. Its time to pass on the Pad Thai noodles and coconut milk ice cream. (Yes, that was my dinner on Friday night!) Its bid farewell to easy mornings of sleeping late, and doing JUST the 30-minute walk aerobic tape. I have to get focused, to pull in the reigns, and take charge again....because the pounds aren�t going to melt away by themselves.

Thirteen pounds. That�s what I have to lose to hit the big 100lbs mark. Its not much, really, when you look at it in the scheme of things. What�s 13 pounds compared to the 87 I�ve already lost!? But it�s a goal that I�ve set for myself, and I want to reach it, and I�m not taking no for an answer.

12:47 p.m. - 8/28/01


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