madermouse's Diaryland Diary



I�m up three pounds since hoo! My first week out of the hospital I could barely keep down 8 or 16 oz of water a day without throwing up or getting stomach cramps. But now I am back to drinking my usual 8 or 9 glasses of water a day, so I must�ve gained back some of that water weight. Still, it�s a little disheartening....but I�ll try not to dwell on it.

I can now almost eat normally - with a few exceptions. (full-fat ice cream, soda pop, really fatty know, crap I don�t need to be eating anyway) My stomach is still smaller so that if I eat a �regular� sized meal, I get extremely uncomfortable. Nevertheless, that hasn�t stopped me from consuming about 2200 calories in 5 tiny meals per day this week. I figure my body needs extra calcium and protein to heal so I�ve been pretty much eating whatever I want. (I don�t think this could be enough to gain back three pounds though...) Even so, I think today is the day I need to start counting my calories again and keeping a close watch so I don�t see 263lbs anytime soon!

I can�t believe how much I miss exercise! I�ve been having that exercise *itch* for a couple of days now, but I wanted to check in with my surgeon before starting anything too strenuous. Basically he said start with walking - hold off on the swimming until all my incisions are completely healed, and hold off on the stomach crunches and lifting weights for at least another 2 weeks. So I went for a short (15 minute) walk this morning. It was strange. My stamina is shot to hell from being so sick and lying in bed for 3 weeks straight. My muscles feel shaky and I had that old *scared* feeling that maybe if I went too far, I wouldn�t be able to make it back! I used to feel that way all the time at my heaviest. When I was 375lbs, I would only walk in the mall as far as See�s Candies, Cinnabon, the Food Court, or Lane Bryant! Otherwise I�d sit on a bench while my husband ran to the end of the mall to do his shopping.

It made me realize that I AM NOT A STRONG, KICK-ASS, HEALTHY big person anymore! I kind of have to start over again. I guess that�s okay because it gives me something to work towards.

2:36 p.m. - 8/2/02


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