madermouse's Diaryland Diary



Well, its official - I�m crazy. Many thanks to my friendly stalker, Nancy, who will accompany me to Bali�s Fitness Center March 5th @ 8:30pm to have my fat percentages accessed. Yes, when most fat people run in sheer terror from scales, and dizzy at the thought of having their actual body fat tested, I am going to willingly subject myself to this horror. I�m totally sure they�ll hook up the electrode thingys to my body, read the totals, and say something like �Gee- we�ve never seen someone with 99.9% body fat before!?� To which I can run, screaming from the table, tearing my hair out, and go straight to Nancy�s minivan and promptly light it on fire in the parking lot. (just kiddin Nance...)

So why, would a woman of my size voluntarily undergo what will ultimately be the most humiliating experience of her life? Well, the only answer I could come up with was craziness....absolute and utter madness. Of course Nancy did remind me that it was a good way to judge your weight loss - even when the scale wasn�t moving. (AND MINE ISN�T!!!!! Fuck!!) So, I guess that could have a little something to do with it. Plus, I�m lifting weights now - yay me - and already the scale seems to be edging up by quarter pounds every single day.... So basically I�ve got to do this. Then in June I�ll have it checked again, and we�ll see what happens. thanks Nancy...:)

On another note...I finally took my comparison pictures last night and I bought myself a measuring tape. Now I have never measured myself �officially� before. But one day at the office, after I had lost about 30 pounds, I did string a long strip of paper together and measure my hips. I was trying to figure out if I could buy something from a Silhouettes catalog. Anyway, after losing those 30 pounds, my hips measured 73 inches. Count em� - SEVENTY THREE inches!!! I will forever have this number emblazoned in my memory because it was the first time in my adult life I�d ever measured anything on my body. The closest I�d come to that was measuring an almond crust to see if it would fit in a 10 inch tart pan....

So....I say all this to let you know that 85 pounds later, my hips now measure 60 inches. Of course I�d love to be more thrilled by this number but puleasse....its still 60 inches. SIXTY. Anyway, there�ll be more measurements to come as soon as I swindle my husband into doing the dirty work for me.

Yesterday, when taking the comparison shots, I wanted everything to be EXACTLY the same. I wanted the same light, the same clothes, the same stance, the same distance from the camera so they�d be sure to replicate an exact copy of the other photos. The daylight was fading fast, and the coffee shop was closing in 30 minutes. (a cup of joe was a reward for lots of weightlifting & cardio) I pushed the couch out of the way (we re-arranged the living room) found the camera, loaded it, corrected the digital date, opened the blinds & curtains, then raced to find my clothes. Although I desperately searched, I couldn�t find the original black leggings, but luckily I had bought the same pair in a lovely forest green color 9 years ago. Disappointed, but knowing I had no other choice, I donned them and my white sports bra (4 sizes smaller mind you) and the snapshots began. Click click click, and it was all over. Nevermind the fact that I hadn�t washed my hair for 48 hours (I was grubbin out) or even taken a second glance into the mirror to see what I looked like. We could�ve waited for a Saturday or Sunday (the only other day that my hubby and I have the afternoon off together) but it just seemed like I HAD to do it now - or it would just continue to be put on the back burner. So...that�s it. I don�t know how good they are going to turn out, but at least its done.

Now onto the measurements tonight. Luckily, no special equipment needed there.... I sure wish I had taken my measurements in the beginning, but I never listened to anyone who advised me to do so. A kind nurse from my doctor�s office told me to be sure and measure myself, especially when the scale stopped. But the scale never stopped, so I never measured. The moral of the story? Sometimes you should do what you�re told even if you don�t understand why.!! :)

Since I�m sharing stats with you, I also got these checked last week:

Blood sugar, non-fasting: 77 (Very good)

Total cholesterol: 152 (Anything under 200 is considered good)

Resting heart rate: 59 (Excellent - she says only athletes usually have this low of a rate!!)

Blood pressure: 130/80 (Average - bottom number is bordering on high)

I totally sucked at my flexibility test - getting an �average� score, and my grip strength which was considered �poor�. I think the latter has a lot to do with the type of job I do. I type all day long, and I�ve been doing keyboarding work for 10+ years. My wrists are w*e*a*k. Maybe weightlifting will help this? It certainly couldn�t hurt.

Well, that�s enough for today I guess. I hope to be back tomorrow with more gripping tales from A Mouse in the House.... but don�t hold your breath. I haven�t been that filled with inspiration lately. (In case you couldn�t tell)

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1:55 p.m. - 2/27/02


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