madermouse's Diaryland Diary



Exactly 14 days remain until my Nov. 1st weigh-in. I�ll tell you, I�m a little nervous. Yes, two weeks and four pounds to go, I know some of you are thinking �no problem�. But many weeks I don�t lose weight! And Oct. 31st will be right before my period again...and you KNOW how I get around my period. And I�m all BLOATED around that time...

Bitch moan whine complain I know, I know, I�ll shut up now.

Really, I feel pretty good today.....despite the fact that I didn�t exercise this morning as planned. I awoke at 7:30am, went pee, splashed water on my face, and put on my workout clothes. Everything seemed to be moving smoothly. I peeked outside the curtain to find the morning fog hadn�t burned off yet. It was thick like cotton, stuffed in between trees and buildings and blocking the view of the houses across the street. An old lady and her dog seemed to eerily fade in from nowhere, and then disappear from site again just as quickly. It reminded me of London, and my mind�s eye imagined slick cobblestone, muted street lamps, and the smell of freshly baked baguettes wafting on the breeze.

My own street was still, with early morning�s tranquillity resting peacefully on the bare branches of trees. Wood smoke seeped between the cracks of the windowsill, and the cold air gave me a sudden chill. I stepped away. My thoughts turned to exercise, and then turned to my warm snuggly bed. And then I couldn�t stop thinking about my soft and inviting. I looked down at my husband, sleeping soundly with Pete nestled in a ball between his feet. They appeared frozen in an effortless state of comfort. They looked positively serene... �I could be there...� I thought...

Then I gave into it.

I climbed back into bed, workout clothes and all, and curled into the softness of my down comforter. The sheets were still warm from trapped body heat, and I felt immediately drowsy again. �I could just work out tomorrow, couldn�t I?� I said to myself.....and drifted slowly back to sleep. And that was the end of it. I woke up two hours later, a bit disoriented, to the sound of glass bottles crashing into the recycling truck in the alley. I had slept through my exercise window, and there was no going back now.

I�m avoiding guilt about not working out today though....because the day isn�t over. And it won�t be until I lay my head down on my pillow tonight that I will allow myself to feel a small pang of guilt over sleeping in. I already had my sleeping in day - that was Monday. So there really wasn�t any excuse for not doing what I know I should�ve done today. I am thinking that tonight I�ll get in a hearty 2-mile walk after dinner though....that�s what I�m counting on.

I�d like to retract my statements about my hair NOT falling out as previously stated yesterday in my journal. As this morning I woke up to a pile of hair on my pillow, and I looked in the mirror and was completely bald.

In other news, I wanted to plug my notify list. Why? Well, for those of you who joined the last time I plugged my list, I promised a world full of private messages and secret, soul-baring tidbits that would be only for the eyes of subscribers. Okay, so that didn�t exactly happen. I didn�t know I was lying at the time I said it, but it turns out I�m kinda lame in that department. So why coerce you into joining my notify list? Mainly its so you don�t miss a riveting word of A Mouse in the House....

So click this button and JOIN NOW! :) :)

12:59 p.m. - 10/17/01


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