madermouse's Diaryland Diary



Hey everyone, check out the list of those who joined me in �Mouse�s October Challenge�! I urge you to pick someone and e-mail them, introduce yourself, and ask them how they are doing. We are here for each other�s support....let�s make it count.

I feel sooooo much better today. Did I fail to mention that I was PMS�ing HARDCORE Sat, Sun, Mon, & Tuesday?? Yes, that time of the month makes me a crazy, irrational hag. The fact that I cried 5 times between Mon & Tuesday alone should�ve clued me in. I get really hungry right before my period, and pretty bloaty - which results in me feeling like a ravenous giant, devouring everything in site. The reality is that, upon looking back, I didn�t do as poorly as I thought I did. I was insane with hormones, what can I say?

HEY - don�t look at me!! Its YOU who CHOOSE to follow me on this emotional roller coaster!!

But, back to bad news for a moment.....I did get into a minor accident today, while I was on my lunch break. I backed out of my driveway and into my neighbor�s car.... and then I just drove off! Yes - hit & run people!! I don�t know what I was thinking. Well, I DO know what I was thinking. It sounded something like this. �You just hit her car!! Didn�t you? Did I? I just bumped it, I didn�t really hit it hard. You heard the CRASHING sound, didn�t you? Well then, you just hit her fucking car! But, I couldn�t have!! I�ve never hit her car in the ten thousand times I�ve backed out of this driveway!...�

The conversation went on like this for a few minutes until I realized I had continued driving for about 5 blocks. I, of course, turned around and went back to the site of the crime. There was a dent about a foot wide, near her bumper. And the lovely snow white paint from my Toyota was smeared across it, like a guilty signature to the dirty deed.

She lives in an apartment building, the woman�s car whom I hit. But I have no idea which I left her a pathetic little message that said - �I�m so sorry I backed into your car. I�m a pathetic loser. Please have mercy on my soul....� (or something to that effect) I tucked it in between the soft top (it�s a convertible) and the window and prayed it wouldn�t rain. Then I drove away, feeling like a sad little piece of dirt.

Come on now, you don�t think I�d REALLY hit & run, do you? Pullleeeaaasseee.... I�m too honest for that. Plus, I believe in Karma...and I didn�t feel like reaping the tenfold Karma that would come back on me for hitting her car and running. That�s the stuff that - getting stuck on the railroad tracks when the train is coming- is made of! Bad stuff.

I had two good workouts, both yesterday and today. I pushed myself, hard. And it felt really good. It gave me renewed strength that I might actually see this whole October Challenge through to the end....and possibly even see 275lbs again?

My hopes are up, and I�m ready to tackle this whole wedding at the coast, eating, drinking frenzy. Wish me luck.

12:58 p.m. - 10/11/01


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