madermouse's Diaryland Diary


Six long inches...

April 13th, 2004

Today is my weigh-in day at calorieking. I stepped on the scale very nervously, knowing that I haven�t done very well this week. Exercise-wise, I still got in 5 days of scheduled aerobic activity. I even got a lot of walking done this weekend, not to mention 2-3 hours of housecleaning. But my eating.... god. I hate to admit my eating hasn�t been even close to controlled.

I seem to be developing a pattern: healthy breakfast, healthy lunch, sinful dinner, sinful dessert, middle of the night snack. This is not good. Its causing me to go over my calories by like 1,000!!

Anyway, as I was saying, I nervously stepped on the scale and double blinked my eyes when I saw 303.6 pounds!! A 3.6 pound gain from last week!! Grrrr...

But you know, with my new �mind over mood� attitude, I tried not to be too upset. I don�t like weighing 303.6, it�s a drag. Especially since three weeks ago I was sitting right about 299.9. (I like anything in the 200�s at this point) But, I wasn�t going to beat myself up. It�s my new strategy, to seek out the positive and not live by the scale. So I really tried to let it go.

I get to work and reluctantly fill out my calorie king check in with my new � increased weight. Then I take my measurements. Six inches. Nope, that�s not the length of my true love� That�s the number of inches I�ve lost in the past 3 weeks. Six inches total! :) :) That�s 3 more inches from last week!

It was a huge relief to me. I don�t give a h*ly shit what the scale says, long as those inches keep falling away. I�m 3 inches down in my hips already! This makes me soooo happy I could crawl right through the screen and kiss you!!

(but i won�t....wait! come back!)

I never really thought that exercise paid off, ya know? Anyone can starve and lose weight � regardless of whether or not they exercise. But here it is � tangible proof that I�m getting smaller, despite the fact I haven�t been perfect with my calories. This is the little bit of motivation I needed to keep going. If I had just been paying attention to the scale, I probably would�ve thrown up my hands today and eaten a whole pizza or something.

Hope you all had a nice Easter!

12:19 p.m. - April 13, 2004


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