madermouse's Diaryland Diary


Am I a Carbohydrate Addict?

August 22, 2003

I�ve just completed reading �The Carbohydrate Addict�s Diet� book after a friend recommended it to me. I don�t know what to think because my head is spinning. I mean, I knew I was addicted to carbs. But it�s not like I�d ever written it down on paper and examined it you know. Taking the �test� really laid it all out there. For those of you not familiar with the �test� it basically lists questions to which you answer yes or no to. From this you come up with a score which rates your level of addiction. My test score was an astounding 60 out of 60�.meaning I am �severely addicted�.

Some of the most compelling and jolting questions included

�Now and then I think I am a secret eater. (hmmm�does it qualify that I hide a candy bar in my shirt sleeve when I return to my desk at work so nobody else sees?)

�At times I wake in the middle of the night and can�t go back to sleep unless I eat something (HELLO!!!! BIG FAT GIANT YES)

�About an hour or two after eating a full meal that includes dessert, I want more dessert. (Dessert is usually the best part of the meal. Sometimes I�ll eat dessert before and after the meal�.ho hum.)

�After finishing a full meal, I sometimes feel as if I could go back and eat the whole meal again. (YES � all the time I feel this way!)

�When I am not eating, the sight of other people eating is sometimes irritating to me. (this is a huge yes, especially when I�m dieting and hungry)

�I get tired and/or hungry in the mid-afternoon. (this is when the snack monster invades and doesn�t stop until I go to bed at night)

These were just a few of 17 questions that I answered "yes" to. After taking this test I realized I have a big problem. I�m not saying I�ve always had such a severe carb addiction, but it has really gotten out of control in the past 3 months....hence my weight has skyrocketed. I'm probably about 280 right now if you can believe it. I don't know because I'm too afraid to step on the scale. I�m so big right now I feel uncomfortable in my clothes.

I don't know what to think about this book. It has really affected my head. Part of me really wants to give it a whole-hearted shot. But then part of me that has tried The Zone, Weight Watchers, and the Low Glycemic Diet & the South Beach Diet (yes I've tried all of these diets this year!!)and failed makes me afraid. I don't want to fail again. And I�ve never wanted to try a low-carb diet for fear of having to give up carbs completely. I always knew that I couldn�t live like that forever, so it seemed unreasonable for me to diet that way.

Then came this book that seems to make both things possible. Could it be true that I could have my cake and eat it too?? Will I truly not be hungry? Is anyone on this diet now & if so would you relate your experience to me? So far, in day one, I feel very hungry even though the book says your cravings should magically disappear. Has anyone tried this diet and it didn�t work for them? I really want to hear from you if you�ve done this diet specifically.

Eagerly looking forward to your responses...


6:10 p.m. - August 22, 2003


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