madermouse's Diaryland Diary


July 13th, 2001

After pulling down my pants, and sitting on the toilet in the women�s restroom at work today, I looked over to find there was no toilet paper. I always check BEFORE I pee. It was after closing time, so I assumed it was safe to just swing around the corner to the other stall. I gathered my pants in my hands and made the turn when just at the last moment the door swung open and a lady from the next door office waltzed in....catching a glimpse of my bare ass. I embarrassingly explained what I was doing, and warned her about the paperless stall. She laughed and laughed at me. I could her hear chuckling over her tinkling. My face burned a scarlet red, as I finished my business and tried to laugh at myself. Yes, folks, another life lesson learned here today.

Speaking of life lessons, what did you do today? Did you make good choices? Did you eat healthy and well for your body? Did you move your body? You know, you don�t have to bare your ass to the world to learn something people...although we wish all lessons were so quick and easy, eh?

Do you just go through life unconscious of your choices. You DO have control over your health. Yes, you may have Diabetes, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome, or you may have migraines. Hell, you may have a rash the size of Texas on your backside - but that shouldn�t stop you from be conscious of the choices you make each day. Maintain awareness by stopping yourself, asking a question, and waiting to hear your internal answers. Is this good for me? Will this help me reach my goals? Am I finding joy in this food instead of myself?

If you have an ankle problem - get your butt to the pool instead and swim laps. At the pool I go to, a man who is paralyzed from the waist down straps a float board to his knees and swim laps until he�s exhausted. You can do it too.

Can�t afford a gym & personal trainer? - Fine. Then walk around your neighborhood while listening to some funky music and use soup cans in your living room like I�ve done for the last 6 months.

Do you think you are too fat to exercise? Get real. I saw a Richard Simmons success story that detailed a lady who started exercising by waving her arms around and twisting to his videos.....SHE WAS BED BOUND. SHE LOST 400LBS!!!

Healthy food doesn�t taste as good as McDonald. Then change your tastebuds. That�s right - it can be done. No, its not hard and it�s only uncomfortable for a little while. Train your mouth to love foods that make you feel good, and you�ll cringe the next time you have greasy lips from a cold french fry.

You don�t have time to exercise? Ya, right. You have time to watch t.v.? You have time to surf the net (and read this site!!)? You have time to sleep in an extra 30 minutes in the morning? You have time to yak on the phone gossiping with friends? You have time. The key is to quit excusing yourself from it and make it a priority that is ranked above other less-important things in your life.

All my life I thought I could just ignore my weight problem. I accepted the fact that I�d be hauled out of my house by 16 beefy firefighters after they broke the wall down. I accepted the fact that I could never change, because I loved food too much. I accepted the fact that I would be forever limited by my size. I accepted that I would always be fat and unhappy. I accepted the fact that I may never be able to fly home to see my family again, because I can�t afford a wider first-class airplane seat. I accepted the fact that the world I lived in was getting smaller and smaller because I was scared to be seen in public and I frankly couldn�t fit places anymore. I accepted the fact that my knees would probably fail me one day and my husband would have to wipe my ass and wash me. Why?

Why did I do this to myself? Why did I just accept this as the �normal� for me? Laziness? Fear? Security? Habit?

None of these reasons are good enough for me anymore. Why should they be for you?

12:30 p.m. - July 13th, 2001


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