madermouse's Diaryland Diary



My husband, a wonderful and kind man shared this little tidbit with me last night. �You know honey, my bitch boss Shannon looks like she has two bulldogs fighting in her pants when she�s walking away from me!�

Jiggle jiggle butt butt....angry dogs fighting.....cellulite....

This from a man who�s been living with ME for the past 10 years. This from a man who�s own wife weighed almost 400 pounds!! In all our time together I never heard him say a disparaging comment about my obesity. I guess he just doesn�t see it that way on me. He says that I �carry it well�. Now I don�t know about you, but I don�t think ANYBODY carries 400 pounds well, its just not possible.

Anyway, I feel good today folks. I don�t think I�m losing weight this week though. Honestly, I don�t. Its just something inside of me that I can�t put my finger on, something I can�t explain. But I feel like still, deep waters. I feel unchanged.

Something I forgot to mention, (or did I?) Is that two weeks ago when I started my step aerobic routine, I also started using heavier weights for my arms, shoulders & back. I�m thinking this might have something to do with my little tiny plateau. This - and the fact that I can�t seem to eat under 1700 calories lately. My average last week was 1758 cal/day. My average for the week before was 1730 cal/day. And my average the first week in July (when I lost 4 lbs) was 1590. Hmmmmnnnnmmm.......see a pattern? NO?

Me neither, just checking.

Really though, my calves are coming along nicely. A co-worker said the other day, �Girl - your ankles are getting smaller!� I laughed because women everywhere are paranoid about their ankles being fat. I never was. Well, not NEVER. I was paranoid about my ankles when they started getting bigger than an artichoke. But mostly I just feigned ignorance. Ankles? Fat? Me? But then that�s what you do when you are in a constant state of denial - IGNORE IT IT WILL GO AWAY.

But my calves are looking good. I actually am beginning to see the lines of definition creeping up my leg. Not to mention I adore staring at them while I flex in the full length miror. Flex, point. Flex, point. I�ve never been so vain!! This is a new side to me I�ve never seen before. And my ankles are smaller. In fact, my ankles are smaller than they�ve been in years. I think they are smaller even than when I weighed 299 before. Must be all the step aerobics and walking. Who knew?? Exercise = Small ankles!?!

Another thing that�s getting smaller - my butt & hips. Yes, I didn�t think it could be true. But I remember feeling the way my ass hung over the seat on the bus about 50 pounds ago. Today when I sat down on the bus, my ass & hips were within a single individual seat. It was glorious. I�m sure everyone around me was wondering why I had that shit-eating grin on my face. Little did they know I was thinking about my ass....

But exercise is the key, man. I�m telling you - DO IT!! Turn off your computer. Get up off your butt. Put on your tennis shoes. Get moving! You�ll feel so good afterwards....and you�ll get smaller ankles from added *bonus*.

Hey, thanks for all those who joined my notify list. (I guess the shameless plugging really did help) Now, watch, I�ll never put anything witty or charming in my notify list and everyone will feel cheated. Oh well.

12:31 p.m. - 7/19/01


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