madermouse's Diaryland Diary



I�m feeling a little better about putting my little Pete to sleep last week. Part of it, is that I can�t spend all day every day crying because I miss him. It�s not physically or emotionally healthy for me, nor can I imagine that he would want to see me so sad. Secondly, I know we made the best decision, the most unselfish decision for Pete. The house still feels strange and incomplete and I get misty-eyed when I think of him. I really miss him, but they say time heals all wounds.

Saturday morning Tom and I lay in bed for an hour remembering all the funny, cute little things that Pete used to do. When Tom first got him from the animal shelter, he reached out through the wire cage and snagged Tom�s shirt. That was his way of choosing Tom. I think animals do that � choose their owners to an extent. Tom told me the story of how kitty chipped his front tooth. He used to be an apartment cat. But the second story window had a ledge that was just big enough for him to sit on�the perfect kitty perch. Anyway, he was sitting there soaking up the sun when a bug came flying by. He forgot where he was and started chasing it and fell out the window. Tom said he just looked over and the cat was gone! Tom ran down stairs to find him lying in the bushes, crying, basically unhurt except for a chipped tooth where his mouth hit the ledge on the way down. I can�t believe he survived that fall!

Later on in his life, we started to let him outdoors. He was truly happiest outside, and looking back, I think these were the best years for him. He never had to use a cat box as an adult cat. In fact, even when we put one up he looked at me like I was crazy! He had this look on his face like, �how undignified!� He preferred going outside. I remember he had such the ultra-cool-cat-attitude when he was outside. He would rub lightly on your leg, but he didn�t want too much lovin� in front of the other cats in the neighborhood. He had a reputation to uphold!! He wasn�t a bully, but he could definitely hold his own. He never backed down to bigger cats or even dogs. He was a tough guy, but always a gentleman and a charmer with the ladies. One day I came home from work to find him curled up on our bed with a little white female. They were licking each other�s ears and purring. Such a shameless display! He was such a good boy, never once in his whole life did he go potty in the house or spray. That�s saying a lot for a cat!!

He was extremely well behaved and did what he was told. I know some cats don�t really comply when you tell them �no�, but Pete did. For instance, we had always allowed him to scratch the couches because they were crappy used furniture anyway. But when we got the new sofa�s, we bought him a scratching post and told him he couldn�t scratch the furniture any more. He never scratched the furniture again. He knew what our boundaries were and he respected them. When I first moved in with Tom, Pete wanted to sleep on the bed as always. But my allergies to his cat hair made it very uncomfortable for me. So Tom started putting a folded blanket at the foot of the bed for him to lie on. He put Pete on the blanket and explained that he was only allowed to sleep in the blanket because of my allergies. And darn it if that cat used that blanket from then on! He was such a good kitty that way. Anyway, I�m sure you�ve all heard enough about my cat for a lifetime. Still, thank you for the supportive e-mails during my time of loss. I know its not easy finding something to say, but it still meant something to me.

As far as eating goes, I�m doing okay. I�ve had more over-calorie days than perfect days, but at least the ratio is starting to swing the other direction! My exercise has still been great, and I love the habit of it. This morning I woke up and realized I hadn�t had a break in 10 days, so I gave myself one. But you know, I�ll probably go home and still do my pleasure walk because I simply feel �off� today. It is very strange how exercise can be just as addicting as food in some ways.

I got my tracking number for my BOSU package. It should arrive on June 5th. I�m so excited. All the videos say that it�s a little difficult to get used to, but to keep at it and you�ll eventually feel comfortable on it. I can imagine it will be an adjustment. If you want to see the video I bought with it, go to and type in Bosu Cardio Fusion with Rob Glick in the search box. Select the underlined video title, then click on �see a streaming video�. It�s looks pretty cool and fun.

2:56 p.m. - 6/2/03


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