madermouse's Diaryland Diary


Change is good

I made it. I�m in Wyoming�.to live. Tom and I came together, loaded up everything we own that would fit in a 17ft. U-haul truck (including the kittens) and trekked across Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and looked upon Wyoming skies 3 days later. Aside from the U-haul breaking down in Spokane and the eight hours it took to fix it, the move went pretty smoothly. My parents came out to help � mom cleaned her little butt off. Dad and Tom moved boxes and loaded the truck. I did stuff too � but only light stuff. My back has been �out� for almost 8 weeks�but I�m getting better. I quit my job almost a month ago because sitting in my chair for 8 hours a day was killing me. It was glorious to walk away from that place, to feel that buzz of big changes coming. And it has been so healing for me to be off of work for a month � the longest period of unemployment I�ve had since I started working in college. I could see how a person would get addicted to this kind of freedom!!

I spent a lot of time thinking about things while I was driving here. I�ve made a few decisions along those many miles of highway and grasslands stretching out before me. I�m going to write a book.

I always knew I wanted to write a book, but I didn�t want to write one about weight loss. My heart wasn�t in that subject because it�s just too�.heartbreaking? Difficult? Depressing? Close to home? I�m not sure exactly what the problem is with the subject of weight loss, perhaps I feel as if I haven�t actually succeeded yet � which leaves the ending of the book sort of up in the air for me. I can already hear the reviews for my weight loss book on, where people write things like �Nice book that proves long term weight loss for the chronically obese is impossible. So what if the writing was excellent. At the end of the book I wanted to slit my flabby wrists and be done with it.�

Or something like that�

Anyway, I decided I�m going to write a book about a city girl moving home to the country. This is a subject I think I can tackle with some amount of enthusiasm and energy. I�m excited to see where this writing journey will take me, as I self-discover along the way.

My single and only set back right now is my back. I cannot sit at the computer for longer than 15 minutes before it starts to hurt. (I�ve had to write this in 3 installments so far) So it�s pen and paper which is hard for me�.I�m a fast thinker and a faster typer. I like to erase entire thoughts and re-write them on the spot. No eraser needed, ya know? But I have no choice for now, and at least a notebook is portable.

I have a lot to say, but I feel I need to save it for this book. I will tell you that the first thing I noticed when I moved here was the clouds. These are the kind of clouds that rival the mountains in height and shape. These are HUGE, billowy, puffy clouds. These are the kind of clouds that make you feel something when you look at them, feel as if you could be anyone you wanted to be, feel that all things are possible, that the earth is really a place full of hope.

I�ve woken up happy every single day for nearly 3 weeks. It�s been lovely. I�ve been revived with this newness. I�m drinking up the liquid robin�s egg sky of this georgeous nature place, and loving every minute of it.

More to come�


4:10 p.m. - August 07, 2004


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